Critical Alignment Therapy & Yoga is founded by Gert Van Leeuwen from Amsterdam over 40 years of experience and research on human skeleton and anatomical alignment of the body.
It is a technique to develop new understanding and self awareness to allow harmonic flow of the energy in the body.
Critical Alignment introduce specialized 5 props including spinal strip, felt mat, block, headstander and backbender. It mainly to create awareness of habitual poor alignment postures, release the tension and strain muscle and transfer back to our original spinal postural muscle.
*It suitable for who have backache , shoulder pain , hunched back and etc.
Critical Alignment Therapy 是由来自荷兰Gert Van Leeuwen 所研究40年的脊椎护理方法。
C.A.T 也强调放松、释放紧绷肌肉,最重要把脊椎通过联系带回原来的正确姿势。
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