Manael Victor

About The Teacher- Manael Victor Manael Victor is a Healer, Teacher, and Founder of Angelic Light Transmissions, School of Angelic Consciousness & Colour Prema’s. At the very young age of 12 He was drawn to the healing light and wisdom of Crystals, which guided him into the spiritual journey of remembering his soul gifts. The […]

黄喜帧 ShooiHong


黄喜帧 美容治疗师 2014年加入Young  Living,开始用精油来做脸部按摩,发现她比一般的护肤品更加有效果,下垂的,敏感,暗沉的皮肤问题都得到改善, 不用动刀,不用打针,精油的渗透力很好,利用3分钟的按摩手法就可以让皮肤消除脸部的废水和排毒,大脸变小脸,草莓鼻变小和高挺,眼睛大又明 亮。自己调配适合的精油再配合植物油就可以当成精华素和按摩液,比外面的护肤品更加经济实惠,我太爱它了,不但让自己找回美丽也可以平衡身心 灵,很开运,我是这么觉得! 精油帮助我的家人的健康,鼻敏感症,头痛,喉咙痛等症状都可以得到舒缓。 我本身是荷尔蒙失调而导致脱发,情绪问题,热潮,关节痛,很感谢上线Peggy Teoh 介绍Young Living 给我, 很多健康问题都一一改善,这是我为何喜欢Young Living 精油。  

Yen 吾家瑜伽

Certified Critical Alignment Therapist , Yoga Instructor , Body Healer

Yen,是一位性格爽朗,随性自在的女性。这性格大概也是来自她有着10年之长的幼儿园教学经验。 她是一位拥有7年经验的瑜伽教学导师。 从2007年开始接触瑜伽,就这样与瑜伽结缘并当上了导师。在众多的瑜伽学派里头最喜欢阴瑜伽。 她深深的相信着瑜伽一种生命修行而不是体位法而已,所以她喜欢写作,下厨。通过笔触、烹饪作为生活上的冥想静心。 2014年,因为机缘巧合之下接触 Young Living 精油,因此把精油加入瑜伽教学里。 很不幸的,2015的8月因为当义工脊椎意外的受伤,让她停下所有的瑜伽教学。同时间,她开始接触Young Living 的雨滴疗法。此疗法让受伤的她有着明显的舒缓疼痛!就这样当了一个雨滴疗法按摩治疗师。 Yen 时常说每一个人都是被祝福的,2015 年遇上了Critical Alignment Therapy 。此疗法注重于脊椎护理,通过一些工具让自己可以减轻日常生活所带给身体的疼痛、紧绷,同时让脊椎还原原本的正确姿势等等。Yen 在C.A.T 当中获益良多,就连下腰的旧患也因为此疗法而得到更大的舒缓、整个身体的姿势也开始调整。。 2016 年,Yen 在 Journey Within Yoga Studio 举办的Critical Alignment Therapy Teacher Training Course. 现在,她也是一位认证的C.A.T 护理治疗师。 因为这个护理,让受伤的Yen明白脊椎是生命的源头,支柱。现在她大力推广来自荷兰的 Critical Alignment Therapy (脊椎护理) 。

Kum Gheng

Certified Hypnotherapist, PaPa Wisdom and Healer

Kum Gheng @ KG, a father of 3 and wellness practitioner. In the last 8 years he has embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery, and through it found the healing benefits of essential oils.  He is a certified hypnotherapist accredited by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) and American Board of Hypnotherapy […]


Founder of Seed Of Life, co-founder of BodyMaitre, Reiki Master, practitioner of Spiritual Response Therapy, Young Living Oils independent distributor, energy healer and wellness enthusiasts and advocate.

Facilitator, Teacher & Highself Communicator – KokWai KokWai, co-founder of BodyMaitre, Reiki Master, practioner of Spiritual Response Therapy, Young Living Oils independent distributor, energy healer and wellness enthusiasts and advocate. KokWai actively facilitates and teaches regular Reiki classes. He teaches, does private consultation and one-to-one healing with BodyMaitre, Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy and Spiritual Restructuring. Kok […]


Educator, Oiler and Corporate Finance Advisor

Weisuan is an accountant and lawyer by training.  Presently a freelance corporate finance consultant by day, Weisuan is passionate about alternative therapies for healing the body, mind and soul.  He is a Reiki Master and is a practitioner of Spiritual Response Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring and BodyMaitre.  Weisuan combines all healing modalities including the use of […]

Cornelius Chan

Founder of Inner Rejuvenation Technique, Wellness by Nature, ColourFool Life Coaching.

Cornelius involved in personal and community development work since 2003. Graduated as a molecular biologist and biochemist, he then ventured into viral epidemiology with focus of phylogenetic analysis of epidemics. With those backgrounds and experience he then pursue his career in community development and social studies. His destiny unfolded when he got himself involved in […]

Shamala Tan

Hey, how are you? Have a seat and come hang out with me ? My name is Shamala Tan, and I am a holistic health coach aka modern medicine woman. Yes, I’m really a medicine woman for the modern world. Why do I do what I do? I believe that everyone should have an empowered […]

Darreck Chen

Founder of Seed of Life & BodyMaitre, Young Living Diamond Member Reiki Master, SRT consultant, DIY Facilitator.

自马来西亚的Young Living 钻石级会员和精油白子柜精油丛书作者Darreck, 是一位身心灵和手作爱好者。在2009 年加入Young Living 大家庭,并于2012年开创BodyMaitre 灵摆能量系统和2017 在马来西亚建立Seed of Life生命种子身心发展和DIY手作分享中心。 With more than 15 years of pendulum dowsing experiences, Darreck is very much into Holistic healing, Spiritual practices and DIY works. He was inspired to developed his own Pendulum healing systems, and has taught the various systems in Malaysia and many other countries. The  […]